Sunday, May 08, 2011

My New Book Coming Soon

Hi everyone. I am beyond excited that I am close to finishing my book. It's been a journey. I started collecting answers to questions that parents have asked me over the years. I've worked on it now and then. When my daughter got sick I stopped everything. But, now that she is out of the woods I picked it up again and am almost done.

My hope is that our experience will helps others. Here is a peak at the Table Of Contents for your review. Feel free to tell me what you think. I will let you know when it's ready for purchase!



Artemisia said...

Hooray and congrats.

"The pitfalls of hf"....yes, that's a chapter that needed to be written.


AshleyLeo said...

I know right? Sigh.

AshleyLeo said...

And thanks, love closure!