Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Book Fair Week

The kids seem to rarely be at school in November. I enjoyed looking over their "wish lists" for the book fair. We talked about allowance money, our contribution (parents contribute half). As I was reading his list, he says to me "Mom, since I'm getting older, I'm not obsessed with the big hard cover books that come with toys. These books are all chapter books that are not as expensive." Good observation!

Leo got his first 4Th grade report card and it looks like he continues to be a solid B student (one A in science). I wasn't surprised by a B in math because of the geometry focus. I am very proud of him! His personal development section needs improvement - he looks like again he's talking to much to his friends. I am still thinking about when he couldn't talk, so as long as he's absorbing the lectures I don't care too much, although I don't want him to think being disrespectful to the teacher is "okay". We already laugh too much about the finger game.


Jenn said...

Love the "talking too much" remark. I often get the same comment about Nick and I think to myself 'if only you knew...' and then smile.

AshleyLeo said...

I love it.